Monday 2 April 2012


Yes....he was still sleeping. I think he thought he was still in bed. 
This was taken around 7.55am, last Friday.

PITY!!! This might be a common scenario for parents who are without maids sending their children to the caretaker , babysitter or nursery... good for you if you are working and your family is just around the corner. I was brought up at home although my parents were working, so when I had to send E-an to the babysitter...I had mixed feelings... I can still remember when my Maternity Leave ended, I cried all the way from Ipoh to Sepang (or maybe half of the way... hehehe... wink... wink...).  I was really worried of E-an...........

Anyway the issue here is, children nowadays are very strong.  They have to adapt with parents long hours.  Their survival skill started from as young as 2 months or even less!!!  I think these children will be a stronger generation, Insya Allah. Hugs and Kisses...


  1. Ain, aku hantar zaara dlm kul 6.50 am... 1st day anta nursery, nangis bagai nk rak... Aku yg nangis, dia relax lg (sbb x kenal sgt lg muka org).... Rindu nk jumpa Zaara, cepat la pukul 5 - WA IBU ZAARA

    1. wa... kamu da kerja brape ari da? mesti riso kan? babysitter ke nursery? yg aku slalu amalkan, berbudi kepada penjaga anak... heheheh... iyekan aje apa2 pun...

  2. sedih la baca tang akak nangis dari ipoh ke sepang tu.tula hati ibu kan.xsmpai hati ngn anak.

    zuera library

  3. Tu la...mcm macho kak ain ni...mcm je ler...hehe

  4. siannya...mommy kuar keje e-an pun kuar rumah gak..hehhehe...betul tu anak2 zaman sekarang lagi besar cabarannya..kecik2 dah kena pandai suai diri dengan persekitaran....:)

  5. tu la ejei... kita dulu duk rumah jer... ngan mak... ngan opah... ngan makcik...
